Natural grass Faber Field
was rendered toxic turf

Factual History

1. In 2014, 72 percent of Glen Rock residents voted against artificial turf.

2. In 2021, the world was in the throes of the deadly Coronavirus pandemic. During this time it was difficult (and in some cases illegal) to gather in groups. This inhibited the ability to garner votes to again place an artificial turf vote on a town-wide ballot.

Mayor Kristine Morieko and her council chose this time during the Coronavirus pandemic to approve rendering a grass field into artificial turf (without a town-wide vote). This ballot-less decision of Mayor Kristine Morieko and her council cost $3.5 million tax payer dollars.

3. Mayor Kristine Morieko spent $3.5 million tax payer dollars on artificial turf without a town-wide vote during a global pandemic and recession. Now in 2022, with the world struggling with inflation and a recession imminent, Mayor Kristine Morieko wants to take more tax payer dollars (click here) to further fund her artificial turf.

Please see Mayor Kristine Morieko's comments above. Are these the words/thoughts of a Democrat with empathy? Or, the candid expression of a megalomaniac politician who thinks you are stupid?

Please remember the actions of these politicians. And please vote.

Health Danger

Voters Render Split Decision on Synthetic Turf Playing Fields
"Public sentiment swung the other way in Glen Rock, New Jersey, where voters turned down plans to install an artificial turf field at Faber Field, with 72 percent opposing the project and 28 percent in favor."

Artificial turf proposals rejected by voters in 2 N.J. towns
Synthetic artificial turf contains semi-volatile organic compounds and heavy metals that can leach into the environment, posing a potential risk to the ecosystem and human health.

Hazard assessment study on organic compounds and heavy metals from using artificial turf
Total carcinogenic risk (R) values for the different age categories were higher than 1E-04 for three football artificial grass fields, which indicated a high cancer risk development probability.

After Aaron Rodgers injury, NFLPA calls for grass in all stadiums
"The players overwhelmingly prefer it and the data is clear that grass is simply safer than artificial turf."

Turf wars raging as N.J. residents face off over replacing grass with artificial fields
The showdown in Scotch Plains is one of several fights over artificial turf being waged across New Jersey as some residents raise concerns about the environmental, health and safety costs of ripping out natural grass and replacing it with artificial fields.

A six-month NJ Advance Media investigation found FieldTurf, the top U.S. maker of artificial sports fields, made millions selling high-end turf to taxpayers in towns and schools across N.J. and the U.S. after knowing it was falling apart.

Artificial turf linked to cancer deaths of six Phillies ball players
The lawn replacement contains large amounts of toxic chemicals. They are called “forever chemicals” because they don’t naturally break down, and are linked to cancer, liver problems, thyroid issues, birth defects, and kidney disease.

Boston bans artificial turf in parks due to toxic ‘forever chemicals’
All artificial turf is made with toxic PFAS compounds and some is still produced with ground-up tires that can contain heavy metals, benzene, VOCs and other carcinogens that can present a health threat.

Not Getting Smarter All These Years Later
Ridgewood NJ, according to sources storm damage during Hurricane Ida to the synthetic turf at the RHS Stadium and Stevens Field will cost taxpayers $150,250.00 to repair.

Artificial Turfgrass Contains Toxic PFAS Chemicals, Lab Tests Reveal
"These chemicals belong to a class of chemicals that have been associated with various health issues including cancer, which adds to the growing concern regarding the artificial grass replacement."

Be Aware of Artificial Turf Hazards
"While these advantages have powerful appeal, synthetic turf comes with an unfortunate host of established and potential health and environmental risks."

The Disadvantages of Artificial Grass
"Artificial grass contains a known allergen latex and a host of phthalates, or plasticizers. The plasticizers break down and release potentially harmful substances that affect the kidneys, lungs, reproductive organs and liver if breathed in or accidentally ingested."

Does playing on artificial turf pose a health risk for your child?
"Also, artificial turf is often treated with biocides, as turf has been associated with increased risk of infections from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA is a dangerous infection..."

Is Artificial Grass Toxic?
"The organization also notes that cases of cancer among young people who have played on these fields have continued to increase – mainly lymphomas and leukemias, mostly among soccer goal keepers."

Does artificial turf make sense?
"It is a myth that artificial turf is cheaper than natural grass. Artificial turf fields must be vacuumed to remove all leaves and debris. They must have the fibers brushed up regularly and occasionally be deep raked to loosen up the infill. Fields must also be disinfected, washed, and have loose seams repaired."

Fields of Waste
"They are alarmed by some studies calling out the potential health risks of crumb rubber and the exposure of young people to cancer-causing chemicals, lead and other dangerous toxins."

3 Dangers of Artificial Turf
"And kids playing on these fields are exposed to leaching and off-gassing chemicals known to have carcinogenic, repro-toxic, mutagenic, and endocrine-disrupting effects."

How old turf fields raise potential environmental, health concerns
"As fields are replaced, billions of pounds of rubber and synthetic fiber are piling up because the U.S. has no plan for disposing of this product."

Paper: Old turf fields raise environmental, health concerns
"Despite being touted as a completely recyclable alternative to grass, there are no companies in the U.S. that can completely recycle them, according to a trade association president."

Only Natural Grass
"Players have a 32% higher rate of non-contact knee injuries on turf and a staggering 69% higher rate of non-contact foot/ankle injuries on turf compared to grass."

Players Prefer Playing On Natural Grass
"93% said playing on artificial turf would shorten their careers; 91% said artificial surfaces cause more soreness and fatigue. And 85% said infill systems were more likely to contribute to injury."

Dangers of Artificial Turf


Never Forget

In 2021, the following politicians voted unanimously to spend $3.5 million in borough tax dollars to render natural grass Faber Field into toxic artificial turf:

Kristine Morieko
Robert Dill
Mary Barchetto
Jon Cole
Teresa Gilbreath
Amy Martin
Caroline Unzaga


• Recurring yearly maintenance costs

• Finite length of life - replacement and refurbishment will become necessary. Artificial Turf is not a permanent solution.